Happy National Eye Exam Month
Happy August and Happy National Eye Exam Month!
For some, this time of year might mean it’s time to go back to work or school, but regardless of what your plans look like for the upcoming weeks, this month serves as your reminder to schedule an eye exam!
The month of August was declared as “National Eye Exam Month” by Sears Optical in 1989; the reason Sears established this was to remind everyone, regardless of age, of how important annual eye exams are. Whether you already have a prescription for contact lenses, glasses, or neither, it may be an opportune time to receive a comprehensive eye exam in order to help you and your vision.
What Are the Benefits of an Annual Eye Exam?
Depending on your age, annual eye exams can be especially beneficial for you and the health of your eyes!
It is commonly recommended for those over the age of 60 to have your eyes checked annually, as well as children starting school. Adults are typically able to go up to 2 years without an exam; however, an annual visit would still be helpful, especially if you notice any changes in your vision.
Overall, receiving an eye exam can help prevent complications and medical problems. You may not even notice your vision changing, or symptoms of an eye disease until it becomes more prevalent. According to the CDC, “of the estimated 93 million US adults at high risk for vision loss, only half visited an eye doctor in the past 12 months.” So, it is always best to do all you can to preserve your health and vision, so remember to schedule your eye exam today!