Contact Lens Fitting Process
When you come see us for your yearly comprehensive exam and contact lens fitting, we do everything possible to make sure you are in the RIGHT LENSES and the RIGHT PRESCRIPTION that will be comfortable for you every day, and keep you seeing as clearly as possible.
There are a few steps we go through with our patients to ensure optimal comfort and vision…

1. The initial exam and contact lens fitting
2. A trial period of 1-3 weeks to ensure real life comfort and clarity
3. A re-check appointment to evaluate your feedback and check vision again (at this time, if everything checks out, your prescription will be finalized and you will be able to order a contact lens supply. If there are any issues with vision or comfort of the lenses, we will make the needed adjustments, and repeat step 2 & 3.)
If you are new to our office, and have been receiving care from another eye health specialist, you may be used to always leaving your initial comprehensive exam with your contact lens prescription finalized and authorized for purchase. At Emerald Coast Eye Care, we have found that taking these extra steps enables us to ensure our patients not only have A contact lens prescription; but rather that they have THE BEST contact lens prescription with the most clear and comfortable vision that is possible for them.
Throughout your contact lens fit “window” (90 days from your initial exam/fit), we will see you and adjust your lenses as many times as needed to get you seeing clearly and comfortable with your contacts. The contact lens check appointments do not cost you any additional fees as long as they are within this 90 day widow, and the trial contacts we provide you with come at no cost to you.
Many times, this process is very minimal and only requires one contact lens check appointment. However, we have these steps in place and are happy to work with you until we get it right! Once we are confident along with you that clarity of vision and comfort are optimal, we will finalize your prescription and you will be authorized for up to a 1 year supply of contacts.
We also always make sure our patients leave fully informed about the correct way to maintain and care for their lenses, and that they know how to wear them properly. So you can always have confidence that when you see us for your contact lens exam, we will do everything we can to ensure you are happy, safe, comfortable, and clear in your contacts!