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Arbor Eyewear Co.

Arbor Eyewear Co.

Our office is excited to introduce the Arbor Eyewear Co. frame line into our carefully chosen selection of frames. Founded in 2017, Arbor Eyewear is a product of many years of experience and passion for craftsmanship. Their mission is to produce exceptional eyewear with new takes on timeless design using the finest materials.

Another equally special feature of this frame line that has us extremely excited is the Tree+3 program. For each Arbor Eyewear frame sold, Arbor Eyewear plants a tree (proudly partnered with OneTreePlanted), and 3% of all gross sales is contributed to trusted organizations (The Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption and Show Hope) that help find homes for kids in foster care and orphanages.

If you are in need (or in want) of some new quality glasses that will enhance your style and of course, your vision, then we encourage you to consider a beautifully designed and carefully crafted Arbor Eyewear frame. In doing so, you are a part of something so much bigger that is Impacting our world, building families, and impacting the lives of children in need of love.

Below the photo is additional information about each of the above mentioned organizations, and we encourage you to read and learn more about these amazing foundations. As always, we appreciate all your love and support. Thank you for trusting us with your eye care and eye wear needs.


OneTreePlanted is an organization that plant new trees that will contribute to the air we breathe, filtering the water we drink, improving habitat, and giving everyone a better world to see. For each Arbor Eyewear frame sold, Through the Tree+3 program, Arbor will plant one tree with OneTreePlanted, building a better world for everyone.


Dave Thomas Foundation For Adoption

This foundation is a national nonprofit public charity that is committed to dramatically increasing the number of adoptions of children waiting in North America’s foster care systems. More than 113,000 children are waiting to be adopted from foster care in the U.S. right now. We are racing against the clock to find permanent, loving homes for these young people before they age out of foster care.

Our foster care system is in crisis- Our nation’s child welfare system is being stretched far beyond its capacity as families are devastated by the lasting effects of the pandemic, the opioid crisis and other issues. Nearly 400,000 children are in foster care in the U.S more than 113,000 of whom have been permanently separated from their family of origin and are waiting for someone to step forward to adopt them– an 11% increase in the last 10 years.

Last year, nearly 20,000 teens turned 18 or 21 and aged out of foster care without a permanent home. That’s more than 50 young people per day! With nowhere and no one to turn to for support, these young people are more likely to experience homelessness, unemployment and other negative outcomes, which can happen to a child without the love and stability of a permanent family.

Children are placed in foster care after enduring abuse, neglect, parental drug use or other issues that have made their home unsafe, and have experienced countless layers of trauma, grief and loss in their lives. The unfortunate reality is that many of these children are not returning to their family of origin because it is not safe.

Show Hope

This story started, in many ways, with an 11-year-old girl in Haiti experiencing something that changed her world. When Emily and her mom visited the country on a short-term trip, Emily met children just like her, except they were living without the love and security of a family. After much prayer and consideration, Emily’s parents, Mary Beth and Steven Curtis Chapman, felt led to grow their family through adoption– not once, but three tines. In the course of several years, the Chapman family grew to include Shaohannah Hope, Stevey Joy, and Maria.

After the adoption of Shaohannah Hope in 2000, the Chapmans desperately wanted to do something about the many waiting children still in need of loving families. Combining both the platform and resources they had been entrusted with, Mary Beth and Steven began raising awareness about the needs of children who had been orphaned. They sought to help families who had the heart to adopt but were without the means to do so.

From this simple calling, Show Hope was formalized as a 501(c)3 nonprofit in February 2023 with a mission to care for orphans by engaging the Church and reducing barriers to adoption.

Committed to the holistic care of children who have been orphaned, Show Hope operates in four key areas: Adoption Aid, Medical Care, Pre+Post Adoption Support, and Student Initiatives.

Through this work, countless individuals, students, families, and churches have been mobilized to care for orphans, and Show Hope’s efforts have helped thousands of children and families around the world.