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  • Cataract Awareness

        June is cataract awareness month, and we want to make sure we empower all of our current and potential patients with knowledge about this condition. The fact is, 24.4 million Americans age 40 and older are affected by cataracts, and by the age of 75, approximately half of all Americans have cataracts. So it […]

    Continue Reading June 9, 2023

  • Sun Protection

    Summer time is on its way, and we have a question for you- Do you wear sunscreen to protect your skin from the sun? Most of us would answer with a definite “YES!!” , which is great! But what do you use to protect your eyes from the sun’s harmful UV rays? Many people don’t […]

    Continue Reading April 14, 2023

  • Tips to help you with your eye-related allergy symptoms

    April showers bring May flowers…. And May flowers bring pollen! This time of year, as beautiful as it is, can be a very bothersome time if you struggle with seasonal allergies. For those who deal with eye-related allergy symptoms, we have some helpful tips for you! These tips do not serve to replace any established […]

    Continue Reading March 3, 2023

  • January is “Glaucoma Awareness Month.” Learn more about it here!

    Glaucoma is a disease that damages your eye’s optic nerve. Today, Emerald Coast Eye Care shares more about the disease here with quick facts, who is at risk, treatment options and more! If you are wondering if you might have this condition, schedule an appointment with Dr. Patterson to be examined for glaucoma or any […]

    Continue Reading January 13, 2023

  • What Is the Optomap Machine at Emerald Coast Eye Care?

    You’re at Emerald Coast Eye Care for your annual eye exam, and as you’re filling out paperwork you notice an optional “retinal screening” called the Optomap that is not covered by insurance. As you skim the page for more information, you might still be left with questions. Today, Emerald Coast Eye Care will share more […]

    Continue Reading January 6, 2023

  • Dry Eyes? Emerald Coast Eye Care Has the Tool for You.

    Do your eyes itch, burn, sting, or water like crazy? Maybe you have even been prescribed eye drops that you use religiously, but you are still experiencing these symptoms. There is a chance you may have Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD) aka the leading cause of dry eye disease. MGD refers to your Meibomian glands (the […]

    Continue Reading October 21, 2022